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Member-only story

Should You Earn On Medium When You Read Other People’s Stories For Free?

Gal Mux


Is it fair? Think about it.

You have to give love to receive it. Don’t you?

How do you expect to gain when you don’t contribute yourself? If other Medium users had your exact mentality, would your venture be fruitful?

As a non member, you have access to a limited number of stories and a limited number of functions. This limits the number of ways you can engage with other writers.

I noticed I gained more followers, more readership and engagement to my stories when I started engaging more with other writers. This way my earnings also increased.

As humans we are reciprocative. We tend to give back when we receive. When you follow someone on Medium they tend to follow you back, when you engage with their stories they engage with yours too.

It is true that not all readers are writers. But every writer should be a reader. And as you read other writer’s stories on Medium, make sure you are returning a hand to those that read your stories.

I have learnt so much about writing, editing, topics and engagement from reading other writer’s stories on Medium.

Now, in the spirit of Ubuntu, change your perspective and hit that become a member link and lets help each other make our ventures successful together.

Won’t you?



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