We are in a pandemic. To mitigate the spread of Covid 19 we are advised to socially distance particularly from strangers. That really is the exact opposite of what those in the dating scene are attempting to do!
Anybody who goes out looking for a date, is looking for physical company of some sorts.
Dating is an activity that best suits extroverts but what to do when the activities surrounding it require social distancing? How has the pandemic shaped dating or how has dating shaped itself around the pandemic?
Bars places considered ideal by many for meeting someone are closed in many parts of the world or are opened with a curfew imposed where closing time is imposed by the state. These times are considered too early for merry seekers, many complaining that they did not exhaust their time socializing many who in normal times party till the wee hours of the morning.
Public spaces such as parks, walkways, public transport, malls etc are the places people can spot potential mates. But because everyone is wearing masks as a requirement to mitigate the spread of covid-19 its making it a little bit harder for people to spot each other clearly because the masks act as a form of hindrance covering half of a person’s face.
Social gatherings such as weddings, baby showers, funerals, church, games and tournaments…